Placement with Relatives 624-05-15-115-10

(Revised 4/3/2023 ML #3716)

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Federal law under title IV-E of the Social Security Act requires public agencies to consider relatives of the child as a placement preference while the child is in foster care, provided that the relative caregiver meets relevant standards. Relative placement is allowable and can be the selected permanency goal, if timely reunification is not possible. Relative care, also known as kinship care, means the child lives in a home environment with persons to whom he/she is related or where a close relationship already exists.


While Placement with Relatives is an allowable permanency goal, best practices dictate that it be a concurrent goal along with another goal that will lead to “legal permanency”, such as guardianship or adoption as appropriate.


Relative caregivers are not required to become licensed foster parents; however, the option should be offered if financial support is necessary to care for the child’s needs while he/she remains in public custody. Foster care funding is available only to licensed foster care providers. In lieu of becoming a licensed foster parent, the relative may choose to apply for TANF Kinship program “for child only”.


Best practices indicate that when a child is placed in an unlicensed home of an identified relative caregiver, steps should be taken to ensure the appropriateness and safety of the placement. These steps should be completed as soon as possible and include, but are not limited to:

  1. A safety inspection of the physical structure where the child will reside.

  2. Abuse/neglect index checks of all adults living in the home.

  3. A check of the NDCOURTS website, and surrounding states if appropriate, for all adults living in the home.

  4. Fingerprint based criminal background checks for all adults living in the home.


When to Select "Place with Relative" as the Permanency Goal:

The goal of placement with relatives is one of the least restrictive options. Placement with relatives should be selected under these circumstances:

  1. The agency is granted court ordered custody of the child.

  2. The goal of returning home timely has been ruled out.

  3. The relative is willing and able to provide care safely and adequately.

  4. The relative is willing to participate in the child's treatment plan.

  5. The relative is willing to make a commitment to care for the child.

  6. The child wants to be placed with the relative.


How to Implement "Place with Relative" as the Permanency Goal:

To place a child with relatives, as case manager must:

  1. Locate relatives as possible placement resources. If relatives have not already come forward to express an interest in caring for the child, search and locate family members to determine who might be interested.
  2. Assess of the relative's home by considering:
    1. Space and resources the relatives have for providing for the child in a safe and stable environment.
    2. Commitment and willingness to nurture the child.
    3. Flexibility and adaptability to accommodate changes the child will bring to the home, participate in appointments, communicate with various professional staff regarding care planning, assist with reunification efforts with the parents, etc.
    4. Stability ralatives have with their current relationships, employment, housing and social circumstances.
    5. Nurturance capacity of the relative.

**IMPORTANT** If the relatives live in another state, request an assessment of their home through Interstate Compact before deciding to place the child out of state.

  1. Develop a case plan. The plan should be developed with the relatives and the child (when appropriate) and contain the following:
    1. Placement transition plan to remain in the relative home post discharge.
    2. Specific tasks the relative must complete in order to provide adequately for the child's needs post discharge.
    3. A visitation plan designed to develop and strengthen the bond between child and relative.
    4. Discharge plan/safety plan for family support post discharge.


  2. If permanent placement is achieved with the relative, the foster care case manager must ensure clarity of legal authority concerning the child (power of attorney, guardianship, etc.). The relative should be educated on their legal authority before a public custody order is vacated with the agency.


When Not to Select "Place with Relative" as the Permanency Goal:

The goal of placement with relatives may not be appropriate under the following circumstances:

  1. No relatives are willing to care for the child long term.

  2. The child strongly objects to placement with relatives.

  3. The parents strongly object to placement with relatives.

  4. The relatives cannot provide safely and adequately for the child's needs, or provide protection (i.e. sexual and physical abuse cases) and will not be able to within a reasonable period of time.

  5. The relatives are not willing to participate in the required treatment, plan or they are not willing to accept supervision and involvement from the agency.